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Links to triggered builds not present while build is running #1890

androidqueen ·

We're just now upgrading to QB 4.0.40 from 3.1.59 (I know! So behind!), and I noticed that trigger steps no longer show a link to the triggered build while the build is still running. We rely heavily on this feature, and I was wondering if there was some reason why it was removed?

I found the original Jira improvement tracker from 3.0.13 (, but I was unable to find any followup information.

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robinshen ADMIN ·
This is because that we try to reduce database writes as much as possible in QB4 to improve performance when trigger build step is heavily used. Displaying the triggered build before build finishes requires additional database writes to sync status with web UI. Any particular reason you need to know the triggered build before it is finished?
androidqueen ·
In our situation, we often have builds that run for quite a while, and it is very useful to be able to go monitor it and see what step it is on. Because we've set up many of our steps to run only when necessary and because the length of these builds also changes based on variables passed to them, we cannot rely on the average time of the build to generate estimates for developers and project managers for when a build will be done. We also have triggered builds that call tools that sometimes run for a long time. It is impossible for us to know if the tool is hanging or just taking a while without actually looking at the step log. Many of our configurations, particularly ones scheduled to trigger on SCM changes, are composed of triggers to other configurations, and it is not uncommon for us to have to investigate the triggered builds (and sometimes cancel them) while they are still running.

Of course, we really do appreciate the performance improvements in QB4, but based on the previous feature request, it seems like we're not the only ones who would benefit from this. Is it possible to store the triggered build id in memory (like the logs are) while the build is running and only commit it to the database once it has completed?
robinshen ADMIN ·
We will investigate to see if this can be added back without impacting the performance a lot.
androidqueen ·
FYI, created a tracker for this one, as it is a pretty major thorn for us: