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Only one process per node #2081

raimainc ·
Is the proper way to ensure that only one step of one configuration job is running on a node at a time still the same as described here? ... bs+on+Node

Or is there a global setting to do this by default?
Or is there a setting in the node parameters somewhere that sets the number of simultaneous jobs allowed to run on it at a time?

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robinshen ADMIN ·
Using step resource locks are not suggested in QB4. Instead, please define resources directly in grid page. Below tutorial explains how to make sure that only one build happens on one agent: ... +One+Agent

If you'd like to only one step runs on certain agent, just bind resource requirement at child step level.
nmanos ·
Hi Robin,
Does it mean that since QB 4.0 it is not recommended to use semaphore as described in: ... bs+on+Node

Also, does the definition "Job" mean "Running Step"? Because I don't see such class when opening the script window help.
The definition Job is somewhat confusing, I think this wiki should also be updated, as it shows "jobs" instead of "running steps" in the screenshots and description: ... Build+Grid

robinshen ADMIN ·
Yes, semaphores are error prone and are not suggested in QB5 if the problem can be solved with resource. As to jobs in QuickBuild, it means an task to be executed on a certain node. So jobs contains steps, but also contains other tasks such as "build condition checking", "uncommitted changes collecting of proof build", etc.