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time stamp of local change #1422

nberserk ·
hi robin.

i want to know the overall picture of proof build in file's time stamp view.
as u know, most of make tool use time stamp to determine whether this file needs recompile or not.
so the time stamp is important !

when local changes are moved to a build agent, how the time stamp is calculated ?
when proof build end, how recovered files' time stamp is calculated ?

thanks in advance
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robinshen ADMIN ·
When locally changed files are moved to build agent for build, the time stamp will remain as the same on the user agent. When files are recovered, time stamp will also remains the same as previous files being overwritten.
nberserk ·
as u know, it's hard to sync time exactly across the all agents.
there is a changed file but the time stamp is older than previous one. so make tool just skip the compile of the file.
that's why proof build result is sometimes incorrect.

i think when build agent takes changed files, it should change the time stamp to ensure recompilation.
and when reverting the files, also it should change the time stamp to ensure recompilation of reverted files.

is there any plan to support this feature ?

or can i implement plugin to do upper job ? if so where is the customization point ?
robinshen ADMIN ·
What you described really makes sense. We will get it implemented in next patch release. Please monitor below issue to get notified when it is ready: