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Git problem on windows server #1484

esio ·
I have qb witch configuration:
Server - Windows 7 x86
Build Agent - Ubuntu 10.10 x86

I will compile linux kernel from git repository. I configured repository checkout and I have problem. I will chceckout repository on build agent. I selected "specyfic build agent".
When i compiled i had error:

Cannot run program "git" (in directory "C:\_qb\quickbuild-3.1.22-windows-x86-32\kernel-repo"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

I instaled git on build agent, I will that build agent be doing "git clone, pull etc."

Must I install git on Windows? I would prefer use git on Linux.
  • replies 4
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steveluo ADMIN ·
Yes, you have to install the Git on Windows too as QuickBuild need run git command on the server to detect revision no matter which agent is used to checkout source code.
guym ·
I have the same problem.

I installed GIT on agent computer and I still get this error.
I verified I can use git from windows shell.

I actually get this error on every command I try to run. If I use cmd /c - commands work well, but I cannot control the command when it comes to git and maven.
steveluo ADMIN ·
Hi guym,

I actually get this error on every command I try to run.

Please find whether your git command (or any other commands you want to run) is in your path (run command in your terminal directly). Alternatively, you can set git command in Administration -> Plugins -> Git Plugin -> Configure page, see below page for more details:

And also please make sure the user you are using for testing is the same user you run QuickBuild. A very common mistake is that logged in with a normal user and then do the tests, but QuickBuild is running with another service user, this will make you confuse why QuickBuild cannot run the command, although it can run from the console.
jdelsey ·
Check to make sure you are not trying to check for repo changes using a Windows node too.
Under Advanced Settings for the build config you can specify only Linux nodes.