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SVN and externals... #1744

abuisson ·
i wondering if it's possible to solve the following issue.
We develop product based on several modules. Those modules are part of the product by using svn:externals properties sometime on a trunk or branch and sometime on a tag (stable release of a module).
During our development sprint, a product can use svn:externals on 1 or several trunk.
We have different kind of build and several of them are scheduled with CRON and use a "Build Condition" as [If changes found in referenced repositories or last build failed].

The issue is that it looks like the SVN component only detect change in the product itself. We can change something on a module it used, but quickbuild doesn't see it !

Is it possible to customize the SVN plugin to also check for change on externals ?

A. Buisson
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  • views 698
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robinshen ADMIN ·

This topic is covered in "External support" in Subversion guide: ... Subversion
