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setting variables for sub projects #2961

I am thinking that others have done this and I hope to not re-invent the wheel.
I want to automatically set 6 or more variables whose values are checked into subversion.
I am trying to reduce keystroke errors by using wget and subversion.

1. Set_All_Varialbes would read the values from subversion.
2. Using wget for latest builds, ( "rest/latest_build/" ) an .xml would be generated.
3. The Set_All_Varialbes program would modify the generated .xml with the new values read from SVN.
4. wget would POST these updated values thereby modifying the build and the sub projects (A, B, and C) would then
inherit the values from the project level. Does this seem reasonable?

Set_All_Varialbes (runs 1 step and sets all 6 variables)

sub_project_A (runs 1 step)

sub_project_B (runs 1 step)

sub_project_C (runs 1 step)
  • replies 1
  • views 826
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robinshen ADMIN ·
Yes totally reasonable. Just that you need to modify configuration xml instead of build xml: ... igurations

As variables are defined at configuration level instead of build level (build uses variable and then record value of used variables).