for (change in repositories.get("some repo").changes) {
// access various field of change object to find things to process, change object is of class "com.pmease.quickbuild.repositorysupport.Changeset". Refer to QB javadoc or inline scripting help for details.
When I use the update jira issue feature, I noticed it will output jira/unprocessed_commands if transitions don't complete successfully. I would like to notify people when this occurs. how do i go about doing this? thanks.
Yes, you can use some script in Update Issue Step -> Show Advanced -> Post-Execute Action -> Execute a script like below:
import com.pmease.quickbuild.util.MiscUtils;
import com.pmease.quickbuild.entitymanager.SettingManager;
if (!step.getFailedReport().isEmpty())
"", // to list
"", // cc list
"Email Title", // email title
"Email body", // email body
null, // email attachment
also, is it possible to transition only some of the tickets based on a query? for example, the build consists of 3 jira tickets TEST-1, TEST-2, and TEST-3. TEST-1 and TEST-2 have fixVersion of 9-15-2015 while TEST-3 doesn't. I would like to transition only TEST-1 and TEST-2. How can i achieve this? thanks. -M.
No. I have filed an improvement below and will get it fixed in next patch release: