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Could not access PMEase document #3271

sy00.hwang ·

I'd like to refer document (Developer guide

But it sometimes couldn't access well. (or too much delay to open the page)

Could I download the developer guide with HTML or PDF like something else?
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robinshen ADMIN ·
It is fine (and fast) all the time. Can you please check if you have some firewall blocking this? We are using Atlassian confluence for this wiki and it seems that it does not able to generate pdf for whole site (can only generate pdf for single page).
Laba42 ·
I'd like to refer document (Developer guide
But it sometimes couldn't access well. (or too much delay to open the page)[/quote]
sometimes, we too!
robinshen ADMIN ·
Restarted server and hope it solves the issue.
sookang-bae ·
Dear PMEase,

From this morning, it looks good to access the site.
But why don't you provide it as a offline type?
robinshen ADMIN ·
That will be a maintenance headache, not to mention that the doc size will be very huge.
robinshen ADMIN ·
Turns out it is a confluence (used by QB wiki) plugin issue, and we now get that plugin disabled and doc site should no longer experience the slow/no access issue.