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Plugin Development questions #3681

Laba42 ·
I want to access from a qb plugin with REST on JIRA.
Since both systems (QB & JIRA) are connected via LDPA I would have to be able to access the JIRA with the qb user data. Is it possible to pass the password?

User currentUser = Context.getUser();
HttpGet method = new HttpGet(url);
HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost(JIRASERVER, 8080, "http");
final CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
credsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials (currentUser.getName() , currentUser.getPassword()));

returns Access denied.

How can I access a Varaibale in qb plugin
the variable "JiraServer" is defined in the root configuration


both returns null.
  • replies 1
  • views 586
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robinshen ADMIN ·
1) currentUser.getPassword() will return null for LDAP connection. QB never stores clear text password for security reason.
2) To access variables programmatically:
new VariableAccessor().getVar("some var").getValue();