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Promotions not passing default values anymore #3709

stephasaurus ·

I have a configuration X which promotes to configuration Y which promotes to configuration Z. I have 3 promptable variables (A,B,C) in configuration Y, each with default values set (entries in the Clear Text Value field). Each promotion is using the "Use value stored in source build during promotion" to move variables around.

Before the upgrade to QB 7, we were able to run this pipeline of configurations of X->Y->Z, and it worked as we wanted - when the pipeline got to configuration Y, it would promote these default values to configuration Z. However, after upgrading to QB 7.0.2 this is no longer happening, and the promotions are just passing along blank variables instead of the defaults. The only way I am able to get the default variable values to be passed along is to print them using in a step in configuration Y, but this is not what we want to do.

Is there any way this can go back to how it was? Thank you
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robinshen ADMIN ·
It is unclear to me, for instance, is A, B, C defined in variables page or in promotion definition? And when pipeline got to Y, why promotes to Z (since Z is not triggered according to my understanding). If you can reproduce it with a simple database (you may install a separate QB instance on your machine and create some configurations to reproduce the issue), it will make the issue more clear.
stephasaurus ·
A, B, C are all defined in the variables page for configuration Y. They are just passed to Z via the promotion. When the pipeline goes to Y, it promotes to Z automatically. Z is expecting to get and use A,B and C but unless I put them in a, they come through as blank when Z gets them.

So if A="1" in configuration Y, I expect Z to get A="1", but right now Z just gets A=null
robinshen ADMIN ·
Thanks for the explanation. This is expected behavior as variable should only record actually used value in build. Recording variable values into build even if not used causes issues such as causing the build record unnecessarily large if there are many variables.