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Request to make workflow scroll bar optional #3712

stephasaurus ·
Hi -

My configurations are often very large, and sometimes take up the entirety of the visible workflow pane, so if I want to move one step from the very bottom to the very top, ever since the workflow scroll bar was introduced in QB7 I can't easily get the step from the bottom of the workflow pane to the top. Before, I could just grab it, hit the "home" key and it would take me back to the top, but this does not work with the scrolling. Now I have to keep moving the step up as high as I can, drop it, physically scroll up, and then start trying to move it again.

Is there any way to make the workflow scroll bar optional, please? It is great for the steps panel, but the workflow panel is very problematic when your configurations are large.
  • replies 3
  • views 389
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robinshen ADMIN ·
How about drag it to steps panel, and then add back to top of workflow from steps?
stephasaurus ·
That still makes a process that used to be "Drag, hit 'home' button on keyboard, drop" into "drag, drop into steps panel, scroll up, find step in steps panel, drag, drop into place" - it was much simpler before.
robinshen ADMIN ·
Please file an improvement request at