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list of all artifacts #834

neu ·

Is it possible to get a list of all 'artifacts' (e.g .war files) of an configuration?

As variable 'prompt as a selection box' I want select one version of all build (or recommended builds).

'prompt as a selection box' - Choices is not scriptable ...

best regards
  • replies 4
  • views 1626
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robinshen ADMIN ·
Can you describe your situation why to list all artifacts inside a build when do the promotion? With that context in mind, I might be able to come up a workaround.
neu ·

My situation:
1) I have a configuration 'Deploy'
2) on 'run this configuration' there should be a 'prompt' with a list of all .war files (of all promoted builds)
3) select a .war file run a ant-task to deploy to a tomcat

best regards
robinshen ADMIN ·
I would suggest to use the promotion feature: you first select the the build you want to deploy, then click the promote button which can be configured to run your deploy configuration with war files in this build. For details of build promotion, please refer to below page: ... +Promotion
neu ·

Thats ok. I have some more questions ...

My configuration:
- One configuration 'Deploy'
- One configuration 'Build' (Files To Promote: '*.war' -> on each build the filename will be changed)

I click on 'Promote' in 'Build' and configuration 'Deploy' will be used. In 'Deploy' I have an ant script.

1) in the ant-script (of 'deploy') I have to type the artifact (of 'build') as an madatory option. How can I have this filename as variable, etc, ... ?
2) Is this possible: in 'deploy' I want to have access to a variable of 'build'

thx for answer