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Exclude a node from grid in case it has environmental issues #3469

robinshen ADMIN ·
Sometimes it is desirable to exclude a node from grid in order to affect other builds when certain errors happen on the node, for instance, if the node is experiencing memory issues. Below example takes the OutOfMemory issue for example.

In advanced setting of root configuration (to be inherited by all configurations) define a node assignment rule specifying a rule

node.getAttribute("nodeError") != null

And in then edit post-build script of root configuration (again to be inherited by all configurations), define a script like this:

for (step in build.steps) {
if (step.errorMessage != null && step.errorMessage.contains("OutOfMemoryError"))
step.node.setAttribute("nodeError", step.errorMessage);

This way the node in error will be excluded from the grid, and it can only be used after you fix the issue and delete the nodeError attribute manually from the affected node.
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