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Desktop UI automation using AutoIt for Windows 10 #3732

shayannarayan ·

Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to automate UI tool execution from AutoIt script and its working well if i run it manually, But when i tried to do it same from the QB
Process it launch in background ,and application is not launching on the desktop.

Please suggest what would be the issue ?

Shayan N

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robinshen ADMIN ·

Please edit NT service of QB agent (or QB server if you are running the step on server), and tick the option "interact with desktop" to see if it works.

shayannarayan ·

I tried this is not working . Thanks for response.

robinshen ADMIN ·

Please stop QB service and restart it in console mode by running "bin/agent console" from where you can successfully run your UI automation tool. Then run the build again to see if it solves the issue.