I guess I did not speak well, my English is not so good :).
Moreover on that field, the JIRA REST api seems to be not clear.
As@steveluo2 underlined, the timeSpent field cannot be defined directly.
That's really confusing because into UI we really think that we define timeSpent directly Issue-transition-with-required-fields-via-REST
Instead that, JIRA create through UI a worklog using the given timeSpent value.
I found a clearest case that show on how to define the timeSpent using a worklog addition into a transition: How-to-log-work-then-resolve-issue-using-rest-api
I think that's exactly what we are asking for.
With a lower priority, it's also possible to define the other time tracking values through a transition: Jira-questions/Issue-transition-with-required-fields-originalEstimate-via-REST
I suppose the bug append because the JIra's Quickbuild plugin make two different calls. One for the issue update, and another for the issue transition.
In this case, our workflow will deny because timeSpent is defined as mandatory when resolving the issue.
Can you explain how the "time" field into Jira's Quickbuild plugin is translated in REST calls?
Is that feature should normally work as we expect?
If not, how long does it take to get it done the way we want?
Do you propose another approach to define our workflow rules that is Quickbuild compliant?