Hello Robin
I'm trying to use velocity template for Jira release notes. And in the template sample, it has a line
#foreach($issue in $issues)
It's using the same way to access "issues" object as to "$build.getVersion()"
My question is, how can I access the object "issues" or "issue" from a regular groovy step. I can't seem to find the function that returns the list of issues, and I tried using "issues" directly as if it's a Quickbuild builtin class/object, but it's null in a groovy step. "build" object doesn't have the property, "changeset" object doesn't have it either.
How did the velocity template refer to the 'issues' object?
I basically need to know what fields/methods "issue" object has. Is there a field or method that returns the URL of this issue? I guess I can append issue key to jira url
Thank you