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Different results when ran via manual trigger vs scheduled trigger #4181

packardG ·

I've got a configuration that runs daily and is triggered by another configuration which is on a scheduled trigger. One step of the configuration doesn't quite do what is expected. That step is a simple script that copies some files to AWS S3. However, when I manually trigger this same build I get the expected results.

The step reports as passing in both cases, but when triggered on a schedule it seems to just cut off halfway through execution, or silently error.

I'm curious if this kind of behavior has been seen before, and if so how I can fix it. Quite new to using QB, so it very well could be user error on my part. Let me know what other details I can provide to help.


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robinshen ADMIN ·

Please check if values of all used variables in the build are the same for manual trigger and scheduled trigger