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What does ACCESS_BUILD_STEPS actually grant to a user/group/permission set? #4316

jmuirhead ·

The documentation says:
ACCESS_BUILD_STEPS: allows to view step definitions

Does this mean just 'view' and not 'edit' steps? What about the step log, step live log, and step status? Does this also allow for viewing of the step logs and live step status?


James Muirhead
Intel Corporation

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robinshen ADMIN ·

It only allows to view step graph and status. Step log and live log will only be accessible if authorized with ACCESS_BUILD_LOG permission.

MFalkner ·

Robin, I'm confused.
With ACCESS_BUILD_STEPS one can see the graph of the build steps, but not was the step actually does (what I call definition).
What rights do I have to give to users that want to see what a step does, but should not be able to modify?
Regards, Martin

robinshen ADMIN ·

To allow users to view step definitions without modification, please authorize with ACCESS_SETTINGS permission in addition to ACCESS_BUILD_STEPS.

MFalkner ·

Super, thanks, that worked.