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How can I migrate grid settings from One Quickbuild Installation to another. #4456

drdt ·

I have some fairly complicated rules in my grid definition (organizing our hosts by platform, automatically removing failing boxes, etc). To date I gave been manually re-entering the settings in my production server after testing on our development server. However, the recent set of changes is so invasive, i would really appreciate a way to migrate the entire grid over.

I believe I tried to do this once by copying the Resources.xml from one backup set to another, but since the IDs are different in each, this caused all of my configurations to get very angry and I had to back it out.

Is there any utility existing or on the horizon to help me?

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robinshen ADMIN ·
drdt ·

Brilliant! Sorry, should have thought of that myself.

Looks like I can do something similar to import/export dashboards as well.