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Questions about QuickBuild and Groovy version plans, 2023 #4486

calreinhard ·

Our relevant versions:

QB version: 12.0.9
Groovy version: 1.8.9
OpenJDK version: 11

Hi Pmease, I'd like to ask you about your plans going forward regarding Groovy and OpenJDK support. QB 12+ supports OpenJDK 16-17. However, when we've tested upgrading from OpenJDK 11 to higher versions, we get breaks in our Groovy scripts that are related to QB's Groovy version (compatibility issues that are fixed in 2.4.6

We don't currently need to take action on these questions; we're investigating this to determine risk/work going forward for potential OpenJDK upgrades down the line. In fact, we'd really appreciate any information at all you can give us about this, due to your more extensive experience with teams working with these technologies.

The questions we have are:

  1. Are you still planning on leaving Groovy library maintenance to the end user? (see this three year old thread on the issue:
  2. If we upgrade Groovy on our side, are there other internal dependencies in QuickBuild that depend on it?
  3. When you've done testing on Groovy library upgrades, did you keep a record of the kind of breaks you saw in other build grids? Would you be able to make any of that public?
  • replies 1
  • views 255
  • stars 1
robinshen ADMIN ·

We currently still do not have plan to upgrade groovy at our side, as the impact is big considering every site now uses groovy heavily. This needs to be done by user as you've mentioned. QB itself does not use groovy script, so there is no problem upgrading the library.