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Changed events in Promt Bean Example in version 13 #4488

Laba42 ·

We have another problem after updating from 12 to 13.

Based on your example "Example Prompt Bean", we have noticed a change in behaviour.

In QB Version 12:

I select the entry testsuite1 in the dropdownbox Test Suite. Then the content of the dropdown box Test Case with values

testcase1 of testsuite1 
testcase8 of testsuite1

is filled.

If I now change the value in the Test Suite dropdwonbox from testsuite1 to testsuite2 then the content in the Test Case dropdown box changes to:

testcase1 of testsuite2
testcase8 of testsuite2

In QB Version 13:

If I do the same under QB 13 then it only works once. After starting I select testsuite1 in the Test Suite dropdwonbox and the Dropdwonbox Test Case contains the correct values

testcase1 of testsuite1 
testcase8 of testsuite1

But if I now change the value of testsuite1 to testsuite2 in the dropdwonbox Test Suite, the content of the dropdwonbox Test Case does not change. It still says

testcase1 of testsuite1 
testcase8 of testsuite1

We didn't use the Example Prompt Bean like this,
but based on the behaviour of this example,
we developed our own Beans years ago where the content of the second box is filled according to the content of the first box.

Unfortunately, this no longer works.

  • solved #6
  • replies 5
  • views 1214
  • stars 1
robinshen ADMIN ·
Laba42 ·

Unfortunately, this does not work for us with version QB 13.0.14.
After the update we still had the same behaviour.
And to make sure that it is not our installation, I started a completely empty QB Server 13.0.14 and only added the Example Promt Bean as a varibale and tried it out.
It is still the same behaviour as I described above.

robinshen ADMIN ·

Just tried and it works at my side. Which browser are you using? Also please disable remember option in the variable definition to see if it works.

Laba42 ·

Yes, I have disabled the Remember option.
At the company, the Chrome browser version 112.0.5615.137 (official build) (64-bit) is currently installed.
And I tried it at home on my Apple Mac with the Safari browser 16.4, where I noticed the same behaviour.

I made a screen video at home of the behaviour of QB versions 12.0.27 and QB version 13.0.14
wich can be found here

robinshen ADMIN ·