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Filter with build id in pipelines page #4583

hung ·

Hello Mr.Robin Shen,

Is there any ways to search all pipelines based on build id in a specific configuration's pipelines page?
If there is no solution, could you please help me add this feature?

Thank you

  • solved #6
  • replies 7
  • views 584
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robinshen ADMIN ·
hung ·

Yes, I can access the build directly if modify url
but if I want to check promotion pipeline of a specific build, there is no filter now.

robinshen ADMIN ·

The promotion status arounds the version string of the build gives info about from/to which this build is promoted.

hung ·

May be my question is not clear.
In pipeline panel, there are 4 filter option: status, version, begin date, end date
Is it possible to add 1 more filter: "build id" in this panel?

steveluo ADMIN ·
hung ·

Thank you Mr. Steve Luo

steveluo ADMIN ·