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Unable to start quickbuild #9

Kiruthiga ·

I'm trying to start quickbuild server by issuing the below command.
./ console

However I get below error. The other topic in this forum had asked to remove requests.ser file. But i don't find that either. Any idea why this is happening? Getting communication link exception when I run restore script from the backup.

wrapperp | read a packet START_PENDING : 5000
wrapper | JVM signaled a start pending with waitHint of 5000 millis.
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:48:55,259 INFO - Booting QuickBuild from '/build1/alert/quickbuild/quickbuild-6.0.11'...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:48:55,272 INFO - Starting framework...
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Send a packet START_PENDING : 5000
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Debug: start(args) end. Main Completed=false, exitCode=null
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: returned from WrapperListener.start()
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Send a packet STARTED :
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: WrapperListener.start runner thread stopped.
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Startup runner thread stopped.
wrapperp | read a packet START_PENDING : 5000
wrapper | JVM signaled a start pending with waitHint of 5000 millis.
wrapperp | read a packet STARTED :
wrapper | JVM signaled that it was started.
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:48:55,914 INFO - Caching plugin libraries...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:02,719 INFO - Starting QuickBuild server...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:02,728 INFO - Initializing velocity...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:03,858 INFO - Checking data version...
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp:
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Encountered an error running start main: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.Bootstrap.boot(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.Bootstrap.main(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.BootstrapUtils.wrapAsUnchecked(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.equinoxadapter.EquinoxAdapter.startup(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 12 more
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.equinoxadapter.EquinoxAdapter.startup(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 12 more
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error:
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.BootstrapUtils.wrapAsUnchecked(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.ExceptionUtils.wrapAsUnchecked(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.DbUtils.getConnection(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.DbUtils.getDataVersion(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.Quickbuild.startServer(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.Quickbuild.start(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 17 more
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error:
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createCommunicationsException(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.DbUtils.getConnection(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 20 more
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: Caused by: Connection refused
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at Method)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory.connect(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.<init>(
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Error: ... 35 more
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: WrapperManager.stop(1) called by thread: WrapperStartStopAppMain
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Send a packet STOP : 1
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Pausing for 1,000ms to allow a clean shutdown...
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Stopped checking for control events.
wrapperp | read a packet STOP : 1
wrapper | JVM requested a shutdown. (1)
wrapper | wrapperStopProcess(1, FALSE) called.
wrapper | Sending stop signal to JVM
wrapperp | Send a packet STOP : NULL
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Received a packet STOP :
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Thread, WrapperStartStopAppMain, handling the shutdown process.
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: calling listener.stop()
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Debug: stop(1)
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Debug: invoking stop main method
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:05,688 INFO - Stopping plugin manager...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:05,698 INFO - Stopping QuickBuild server...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:05,700 INFO - Stopping plugins...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:05,701 INFO - Stopping task scheduler...
jvm 1 | 2018-03-05 12:49:06,817 INFO - QuickBuild server stopped.
jvm 1 | WrapperStartStopApp Debug: stop main method completed
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: returned from listener.stop() -> 1
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: shutdownJVM(1) Thread: WrapperStartStopAppMain
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: wait for 0 shutdown locks to be released.
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Send a packet STOPPED : 1
wrapperp | read a packet STOPPED : 1
wrapper | JVM signaled that it was stopped.
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Closing backend connection.
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Closed backend socket (Normal): Socket closed
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Returned from backend handler.
wrapperp | socket read no code (closed?).
wrapperp | Closing backend socket.
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: Server daemon shut down
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: calling System.exit(1)
jvm 1 | WrapperManager Debug: WrapperManger stopped due to System Exit
wrapper | Signal trapped. Details:
wrapper | signal number=18 (SIGCHLD), source="unknown"
wrapper | Received SIGCHLD, checking JVM process status.
wrapper | JVM process exited with a code of 1, however the wrapper exit code was already 1.
wrapper | JVM exited normally.
wrapper | <-- Wrapper Stopped

  • solved #4
  • replies 4
  • views 950
  • stars 0
robinshen ADMIN ·

Looks like QB has problem connecting to your MySQL database. Please check settings in conf/ to see if it is correct.

Kiruthiga ·

I checked my mysql settings from the conf file and tried to connect to that DB via sql developer. But it says 'Network adapter could not establish the connection'.

robinshen ADMIN ·

Then it should not be a problem of QB. I guess you need to contact your DB admin to make sure that sql developer works first.

Kiruthiga ·

The SQL DB was down. I restarted the DB and the issue got resolved.