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Cleanup strategy #1455

pini42 ·
There are currently two cleanup strategies for old builds, reserve by days, and reserve by count.
The problem with both strategies is that when we set to retain 3 last builds and there are 3 failing builds in a row, then the last successful build will be deleted.
For retention by number of days there is a similar problem, if last X days we had no green builds, then the last green one will be deleted once it's crossing the line.

Is there a way to preserve certain number of green builds? and discard all red ones?

  • replies 2
  • views 1364
  • stars 0
sriniefi ·
Hi Robin,

I have a query related to this, we want to cleanup all the builds which are 3 months old, except for the promoted builds. we want to keep the promoted builds.

robinshen ADMIN ·
Hi All,

An improvement request is created for this as:

Please vote/watch for it.
