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Is it possible to email Build Log and Revision Log URLs? #1757

hzucker ·
Hi Robin,
In QB4 is it possible to include Build Log and Revision Log URLs in email notifications? Basically, we'd like to set notifications QB1.2-style, having Build Log and Revision Log in human-readable form. I tried this line in the notification template, but it didn't work:
<td><a href="$build.buildLogUrl">Build log</a> </td>
Could you please help?
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robinshen ADMIN ·
Please try this: $build.logUrl
hzucker ·
Thank you Robin, it worked. What should I use for Revision Log URL to see an old-style list of changes?
robinshen ADMIN ·
The revision log page is implemented via a plugin, hence no direct method in build object can be accessed to get the revision log page, however you may concatenate the build url with "scm_changes" to get the url:
hzucker ·
The ${build.url}/scm_changes URL brings me to the SCM Changes page, but this is not what I'm looking for. Our builds take awhile and we usually send a list of changes to developers asking if the list is complete. It was easy in old QB, in QB4 how can I get a list of changes since the last build into the text file and make it available while the build is still running?
robinshen ADMIN ·
The list of changes can only be emailed after build is finished. If all you want to do is to confirm with users list of changes to build, I suggest to go with the build promotion approach, that is, set up two configurations, the first configuration is configured to promote to second configuration. You fire the first configuration with latest changes and after it is finished, developer may verify if this build is what they want by reviewing the changes and build results, and if this is what they want, then promote it to second configuration as a good/golden build. Please refer to QB documentation for details of QB promotion: ... +Promotion
hzucker ·
Thank you Robin, this would work if I could only figure out how to get a list of changes (by file) in a form of a text file rather than by looking at QB interface. I looked through Promotion doc but couldn't find it. Maybe a in a checkout step I can have a post-execute action to run a script that creates a list of changes since the last build? Could you please help?
robinshen ADMIN ·
Just as you've guessed, you may write the list of changes to a text file with script by traversing the change list returned by calling "build.getChanges()", but if all your purpose is to let the developer to verify change list, why bother to generate a text file? Having developers visit the QB change list GUI is more convenient, and developers will be brought to that page only by clicking a change list link in the notification email.