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How to get Filter Options (of builds) in run configurations #2338

7santhosh ·
Hi Robin Shine,

I was working on comparing the build results and generate a bar chart, which is similar to "Statistics" in QB but i need to select few builds and extract the reports of each builds and generate the bar charts of total tests paas, fail, skip in each build.

Here i'm not sure how to get the builds from a configuration. i need similar controls like in
where i will search few builds by id / Triggered by / by date which will listout the bulds with check boxs, where select few builds by check box and click[OK] button that will run my scripts in the backend and which takes the checked build IDs and publish the bar charts on a report html file.

I have a ready script which accepts build IDs and generate the html report with barcharts.
But i dont know how to Get Filter Options in my run Configuration page.
Could you please help me in this ?

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robinshen ADMIN ·
This is not possible via configuration run screen. You may consider another approach: display a multi-selection box to display build versions there and let user select desired builds. With the build versions being selected, you can then get all builds in backend to do the job.