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Is it possible to send an email from a step? #2706

helmut.n ·
I am using email notifications which are allowing to send emails at the end of a complete build. But sometimes I would like to send an email in the middle of a build depending on the result of a step. Is it possible to send an email from a step?
  • replies 5
  • views 2003
  • stars 0
robinshen ADMIN ·
You may do that inside your build script by calling for instance Ant email task, etc.
helmut.n ·
We are already using this type of solution by calling blat.exe. But I wonder if QuickBuild provides sending an email from a step internally e.g. by executing a MVEL or Groovy script.
robinshen ADMIN ·
It has internal function to send email, but will not be as straitforward and maintenable as doing this with external tools.
helmut.n ·
Do you think a feature request for a new step type Misc / Send Mail would have a chance to be implemented?
This step type should have the following arguments:
* From address
* To addresses
* Subject
* Body
* Attachments
If necessary, this step type might be limited to run on the QuickBuild server only.
robinshen ADMIN ·
Yes, please go ahead to create one, so that email settings in QB can be reused.