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NoClassDefFoundError in JIRA plugin #2715

Zac ·
Good morning,

We're running into trouble with QuickBuild/JIRA integration since upgrading JIRA from 6.0.x to 6.2#6252. We're running QuickBuild 5.1.11, and I've upgraded the JIRA plugin on the JIRA side to the plugin downloaded from the "Download Addons" link in QB 5.1.11. I checked the release notes for the QB versions past what we're running, but didn't see anything related mentioned.

Whenever a user displays a JIRA issue (http://jira.server/browse/PROJ-1234) and chooses either the All tab or either of the QB related tabs at the bottom of the issue, JIRA throws it's skull & crossbones error page and logs the following stack trace:

2014-03-03 11:50:42,456 ajp-bio-8009-exec-25 ERROR SHICKS 710x16367x1 1yd2psp /browse/UCMS-19143 [com.atlassian.velocity.DefaultVelocityManager] MethodInvocationException occurred getting message body from Velocity: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/atlassian/jira/web/action/issue/ViewIssue
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/atlassian/jira/web/action/issue/ViewIssue
at com.pmease.quickbuild.addons.jira.issuepanel.IssueChangesTabPanel.isSortingActionsInAscendingOrder(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.addons.jira.issuepanel.IssueChangesTabPanel.getActions(
at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issuetabpanel.IssueTabPanel3Adaptor.getActions(
at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issuetabpanel.IssueTabPanelInvokerImpl.invokeGetActions(
at com.atlassian.jira.issue.tabpanels.AllTabPanel.getActions(
at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issuetabpanel.IssueTabPanel3Adaptor.getActions(
at com.atlassian.jira.plugin.issuetabpanel.IssueTabPanelInvokerImpl.invokeGetActions(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1192.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at com.atlassian.plugin.osgi.hostcomponents.impl.DefaultComponentRegistrar$ContextClassLoaderSettingInvocationHandler.invoke(

Work-around is to disable the QuickBuild plugin for now.

Is there an updated plugin available from some other source? JIRA identifies what we're running as Version 6.0.0.

Thanks in advance,
Zac Bedell
  • replies 6
  • views 2918
  • stars 0
steveluo ADMIN ·
Hi Zac,

Thank you for reporting. I have filed the issue below:

We will fix this issue in next patch release.
steveluo ADMIN ·

The fix was included since QuickBuild v5.1.15. And you can download the JIRA plugin below: ... -6.2.0.jar
Zac ·
I upgraded to 5.1.16 this morning, and the JIRA integration is working again. Thank you!

For what it's worth, this upgrade actually encountered an error when running the migration script (see below). I re-ran the script a second time, and it completed without a problem. Not sure if this was something random, but figured I'd pass along the info just in case.

build@wolf-build1p:/opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.16/bin> ./ /opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.11/
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
2014-03-17 10:16:28,976 INFO - Cleaning temp directory...
2014-03-17 10:16:29,279 INFO - Cleaning cached plugin libraries from old installation...
2014-03-17 10:16:29,787 INFO - Copying config files...
2014-03-17 10:16:30,335 INFO - Copying assets...
2014-03-17 10:16:30,346 INFO - Copying libs...
2014-03-17 10:16:30,726 INFO - Copying custom plugins...
2014-03-17 10:16:30,750 INFO - Copying sample db...
2014-03-17 10:16:30,759 INFO - Booting QuickBuild from '/opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.11'...
2014-03-17 10:16:30,765 INFO - Starting framework...
2014-03-17 10:16:31,840 INFO - Caching plugin libraries...
2014-03-17 10:16:37,736 INFO - Starting QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:16:37,738 INFO - Checking database data version...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,088 INFO - QuickBuild version table found. Catalog: quickbuild3, Schema: null, Name: QB_SETTING, Type: TABLE
2014-03-17 10:16:38,341 INFO - Stopping plugin manager...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,419 INFO - Stopping QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,419 INFO - Stopping plugins...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,419 INFO - Stopping task scheduler...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,485 INFO - QuickBuild server stopped.
2014-03-17 10:16:38,486 INFO - Deleting sampledb...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,490 INFO - Booting QuickBuild from '/opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.16'...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,493 INFO - Starting framework...
2014-03-17 10:16:38,775 INFO - Caching plugin libraries...
2014-03-17 10:16:43,765 INFO - Starting QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:16:43,766 INFO - Checking application data version...
2014-03-17 10:16:43,977 INFO - QuickBuild version table found. Catalog: quickbuild3, Schema: null, Name: QB_SETTING, Type: TABLE
2014-03-17 10:16:44,210 INFO - Stopping plugin manager...
2014-03-17 10:16:44,214 INFO - Stopping QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:16:44,214 INFO - Stopping plugins...
2014-03-17 10:16:44,214 INFO - Stopping task scheduler...
2014-03-17 10:16:44,276 INFO - QuickBuild server stopped.
2014-03-17 10:16:44,276 INFO - Copying sample db...
2014-03-17 10:16:49,434 INFO - Booting QuickBuild from '/opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.11'...
2014-03-17 10:16:49,434 INFO - Starting framework...
2014-03-17 10:16:49,471 INFO - Caching plugin libraries...
2014-03-17 10:16:51,172 INFO - Starting QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:16:51,173 INFO - Exporting data of previous version from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:51,794 INFO - QuickBuild version table found. Catalog: quickbuild3, Schema: null, Name: QB_SETTING, Type: TABLE
2014-03-17 10:16:52,891 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:52,971 INFO - Exporting table 'Subscription'...
2014-03-17 10:16:52,971 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,037 INFO - Loading table rows (1->4) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,567 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,717 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Subscriptions.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,736 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:53,736 INFO - Exporting table 'UserShare'...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,736 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,774 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:53,774 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementData6H'...
2014-03-17 10:16:53,774 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:54,047 INFO - Loading table rows (1->6144) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:54,791 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,209 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementData6Hs.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,511 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:56,511 INFO - Exporting table 'PromoteOption'...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,511 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,537 INFO - Loading table rows (1->1) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,603 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,606 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'PromoteOptions.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,611 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:56,612 INFO - Exporting table 'Alert'...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,612 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,631 INFO - Loading table rows (1->15) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,654 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,661 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Alerts.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,665 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:56,665 INFO - Exporting table 'Audit'...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,665 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,793 INFO - Loading table rows (1->1000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:56,951 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,235 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,300 INFO - Loading table rows (1001->2000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,437 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,643 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml.2...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,678 INFO - Loading table rows (2001->3000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,769 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,949 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml.3...
2014-03-17 10:16:57,971 INFO - Loading table rows (3001->4000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,063 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,215 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml.4...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,244 INFO - Loading table rows (4001->5000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,315 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,430 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml.5...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,462 INFO - Loading table rows (5001->6000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,523 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,632 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml.6...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,654 INFO - Loading table rows (6001->6702) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,728 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,804 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Audits.xml.7...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,839 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:58,839 INFO - Exporting table 'ResourceAccess'...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,839 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:58,914 INFO - Loading table rows (1->52) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,790 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,802 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'ResourceAccesss.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,807 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:59,807 INFO - Exporting table 'Resource'...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,807 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,823 INFO - Loading table rows (1->5) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,843 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,847 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Resources.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,850 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:59,850 INFO - Exporting table 'Alarm'...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,850 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,867 INFO - Loading table rows (1->1) from database...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,888 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,889 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Alarms.xml...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,892 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:16:59,892 INFO - Exporting table 'Authorization'...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,892 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:16:59,912 INFO - Loading table rows (1->42) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:00,116 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:00,133 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Authorizations.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:00,152 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:00,152 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementData1D'...
2014-03-17 10:17:00,152 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:00,338 INFO - Loading table rows (1->10000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:00,556 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:01,327 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementData1Ds.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:01,538 INFO - Loading table rows (10001->20000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:01,727 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:02,434 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementData1Ds.xml.2...
2014-03-17 10:17:02,602 INFO - Loading table rows (20001->24202) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:02,696 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:02,968 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementData1Ds.xml.3...
2014-03-17 10:17:03,045 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:03,045 INFO - Exporting table 'BuildOption'...
2014-03-17 10:17:03,045 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:03,084 INFO - Loading table rows (1->503) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,209 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,290 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'BuildOptions.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,306 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,306 INFO - Exporting table 'Token'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,306 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,329 INFO - Loading table rows (1->3) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,354 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,358 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Tokens.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,362 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,362 INFO - Exporting table 'Id'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,362 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,380 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,380 INFO - Exporting table 'CloudProfile'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,380 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,397 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,398 INFO - Exporting table 'Setting'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,398 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,417 INFO - Loading table rows (1->7) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,442 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,469 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Settings.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,472 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,472 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementDataR04'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,472 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,490 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,490 INFO - Exporting table 'PluginConfig'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,491 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,510 INFO - Loading table rows (1->66) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,535 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,546 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'PluginConfigs.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,554 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:04,554 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementData1H'...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,555 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,681 INFO - Loading table rows (1->10000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:04,897 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:05,722 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementData1Hs.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:05,895 INFO - Loading table rows (10001->17236) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:06,029 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:06,528 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementData1Hs.xml.2...
2014-03-17 10:17:06,647 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:06,648 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementDataR01'...
2014-03-17 10:17:06,648 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:06,735 INFO - Loading table rows (1->6092) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:06,822 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,139 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementDataR01s.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,219 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:07,219 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementDataR00'...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,219 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,292 INFO - Loading table rows (1->5692) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,376 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,697 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementDataR00s.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,772 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:07,772 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementDataR03'...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,772 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,790 INFO - Loading table rows (1->1166) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,826 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,889 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementDataR03s.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,918 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:07,918 INFO - Exporting table 'MeasurementDataR02'...
2014-03-17 10:17:07,918 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,006 INFO - Loading table rows (1->6431) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,101 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,438 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'MeasurementDataR02s.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,525 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:08,526 INFO - Exporting table 'Membership'...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,526 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,545 INFO - Loading table rows (1->171) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,773 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,782 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Memberships.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,786 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:08,786 INFO - Exporting table 'TriggerDependence'...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,786 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,802 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:08,803 INFO - Exporting table 'GroupShare'...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,803 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,824 INFO - Loading table rows (1->1) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,857 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,858 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'GroupShares.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,861 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:08,862 INFO - Exporting table 'Group'...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,862 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,876 INFO - Loading table rows (1->47) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,895 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,910 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Groups.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,914 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:08,914 INFO - Exporting table 'Dashboard'...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,914 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,934 INFO - Loading table rows (1->63) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:08,974 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:09,007 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Dashboards.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:09,013 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:09,013 INFO - Exporting table 'BuildDependence'...
2014-03-17 10:17:09,013 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:09,029 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:09,029 INFO - Exporting table 'Build'...
2014-03-17 10:17:09,029 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:09,993 INFO - Loading table rows (1->1000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:10,766 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:12,083 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:12,248 INFO - Loading table rows (1001->2000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:12,871 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:14,246 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.2...
2014-03-17 10:17:14,495 INFO - Loading table rows (2001->3000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:14,986 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:16,128 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.3...
2014-03-17 10:17:16,343 INFO - Loading table rows (3001->4000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:16,862 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:18,112 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.4...
2014-03-17 10:17:18,344 INFO - Loading table rows (4001->5000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:18,807 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:20,089 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.5...
2014-03-17 10:17:20,331 INFO - Loading table rows (5001->6000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:20,870 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:22,162 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.6...
2014-03-17 10:17:22,409 INFO - Loading table rows (6001->7000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:22,979 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:24,256 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.7...
2014-03-17 10:17:24,507 INFO - Loading table rows (7001->8000) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:25,396 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:26,866 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.8...
2014-03-17 10:17:27,157 INFO - Loading table rows (8001->8426) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:27,856 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:28,518 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Builds.xml.9...
2014-03-17 10:17:28,660 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:28,660 INFO - Exporting table 'Configuration'...
2014-03-17 10:17:28,660 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:28,676 INFO - Loading table rows (1->479) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:28,928 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:29,824 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Configurations.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:29,958 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:29,958 INFO - Exporting table 'User'...
2014-03-17 10:17:29,959 INFO - Querying table ids...
2014-03-17 10:17:29,980 INFO - Loading table rows (1->89) from database...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,005 INFO - Converting table rows to XML...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,018 INFO - Writing resulting XML to file 'Users.xml...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,022 INFO -
2014-03-17 10:17:30,043 INFO - Stopping plugin manager...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,048 INFO - Stopping QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,048 INFO - Stopping plugins...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,048 INFO - Stopping task scheduler...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,049 INFO - Closing session factory...
2014-03-17 10:17:30,114 INFO - QuickBuild server stopped.
2014-03-17 10:17:30,115 INFO - Backing up exported data as '/opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.16/migrate/'...
2014-03-17 10:17:37,533 INFO - Booting QuickBuild from '/opt/software/quickbuild/quickbuild-3/quickbuild-5.1.16'...
2014-03-17 10:17:37,536 INFO - Starting framework...
2014-03-17 10:17:37,580 INFO - Caching plugin libraries...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,469 INFO - Starting QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,471 INFO - Upgrading exported data to current version...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,797 INFO - Stopping plugin manager...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,801 INFO - Stopping QuickBuild server...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,801 INFO - Stopping plugins...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,802 INFO - Stopping task scheduler...
2014-03-17 10:17:39,879 INFO - QuickBuild server stopped.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: resource not found: /META-INF/services/org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory make sure that parser implementing XmlPull API is available
at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.BootstrapUtils.wrapAsUnchecked(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.ExceptionUtils.wrapAsUnchecked(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.FileUtils.readFileAsDom(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.migration.MainMigrator.migrate(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.Quickbuild.migrateData(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.bootstrap.Migrate$5.execute(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.Quickbuild$
Caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: resource not found: /META-INF/services/org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory make sure that parser implementing XmlPull API is available
at org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(
at org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance(
at com.pmease.quickbuild.util.FileUtils.readFileAsDom(
... 5 more
robinshen ADMIN ·
Thanks for reporting the issue. I am trying to reproduce the issue, can you please let me know which OS you are doing the migration?
Zac ·
We're running:
build@wolf-build1p:~> uname -a
Linux wolf-build1p 3.0.80-0.7-default #1 SMP Tue Jun 25 18:32:49 UTC 2013 (25740f8) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
build@wolf-build1p:~> cat /etc/issue

Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).

And just to confirm, this happened once, then worked the second time, so probably going to be tough to reproduce. We're working fine now, so this isn't a showstopper for us at all.

Thanks for looking at it though!
robinshen ADMIN ·
Not able to get it reproduced here. Nevertheless, let us know if it blocks you next time.