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Question for show/hide condition of variable #3122

youngkyu-kim ·
Hi. robin

I have a question for variable condition.
I want to change show/hide (enable/disable) condition for some variable on run configuration screen.
(not variables setting menu. I think, QB was checked to variable condition to enable at just 1 time when user pressed "Run the configuration" button.)
For example, there is two variables. var1 is check box, var2 is text input.
If I check to var1 in run configuration screen, I want to show var2. And, I uncheck to var1 - hide var2
Is is possible?
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robinshen ADMIN ·
This can be achieved by defining your variable as a custom bean. An example of custom bean can be found here: ... ld+Options
When writing your custom bean, the checkbox you mentioned will be referencing another child bean which in turn contains a text box.
youngkyu-kim ·
I already tried this.
I put below codes in condition of text input variable(VAR_INPUT), but it`s not work
(VAR_CHECK is variable which set "prompt as check box", VAR_INPUT is variable which set "prompt as text input")

// condition of VAR_INPUT
if(vars.get("VAR_CHECK") != null) {
if(vars.get("VAR_CHECK").getValue() != null && vars.get("VAR_CHECK").getBooleanValue() == true) {
return true
} else {
return false
} else {
return true

Is it something wrong?
robinshen ADMIN ·
Sorry I gave the wrong link. The correct one here: ... ld+Options

In your case the prompt bean can be defined as:

class BeanInput {
private String textInput;

public String getTextInput() {
return textInput;

public void setTextInput() {
this.textInput = textInput;

class PromptBean {
private BeanInput input;

public BeanInput getInput() {
return input;

public void setInput(BeanInput input) {
this.input = input;