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Store build artifacts on agent #3170

youngkyu-kim ·
Hi robin

I have question for build artifacts on agent
We set artifact storage to "repo_agent" that was refer to
But, we face to two issues.

1. When user access to artifact on Published Artifacts in view page, security popup shown as below.
"The server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is asking for your user name and password. The server reports that it is from Quickbuild.
Warning : Your user name and password will be sent using basic authentication on a connection that isn`t secure"
This popup need to QB User-ID/Password, but user already logged in QB system.
So, we don`t want to show this popup on QB. Is it possible?

2. We publish html report in step, but html files saved on server (not repo_agent).
QB try to access repo_agent`s storage directory, actually html files saved in server`s storage directory (Global Storage Directory)
therefore, FileNotFoundException occurred that likes below.
Problem accessing /download/294//html/BuildReport/index.html. Reason: /home/user/reposagen/storage/REPOSTEST/Publish_Test/builds/294/html/BuildReport/index.html (No such file or directory)

I tested these on 6.0.4 & 6.0.10 version.
Please provide a guide.
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robinshen ADMIN ·
For the first issue, QB UI now leads the link to agent web server directly in order to reduce server load. And for security reasons, the agent needs to ask for login again as it does not know whether or not this link is from QB UI or external access. To make it easy to use we will investigate some other approaches such as encoding login information in url or cookies to see if this additional login can be avoided. I filed an improvement request as below:

As for the second issue, it is a bug and we will get it fixed. Please watch below issue:
youngkyu-kim ·
Hi robbin

I checked new version (6.0.11) which is fixed upper issues, but there is critical new issue.
When I publish artifat by artifacts on agent, server & agent saved artifacts both side.
Server and agent are located in separated machine. (machine 1, machine 2)
If I publish a.txt file, this file saved in [machine 1]/(server`s storage path)/builds/( (server`s Golbal Storage Directory)
and [machine 2]/(path of agent which is for build artifacts)/storage/builds/1/artifacts/a.txt
Purpose of "store build artifacts on agent" is avoid server`s load, but latest version did not.
And, I don`t know why HTML files saved on server only. Agent can save only artifact files.
I hope that you check these issue

Best regards,
robinshen ADMIN ·
For every published file, QB only stores some meta info in the file, instead of the whole file content. This meta info is stored there in order to speed up artifact tree displaying on web UI. Serving the real file is I/O heavy and it is only done on agent. Also we only store artifacts on agents, as our previous investigation shows that artifact download (either manually via web UI or programmatically via QuickBuild repository) is the bottleneck. Storing everything on agent means a lot of work and can also has negative performance impact when you display various reports such as JUnit reports, html reports, etc.
youngkyu-kim ·
hi robin

In your comment, "Serving the real file is I/O heavy and it is only done on agent. Also we only store artifacts on agents," is not in 6.0.11 version.
real file saved in server/agent both in 6.0.11 version.
in previous version(in my case 6.0.4), real file saved in agent only.
robinshen ADMIN ·
Can you please check again? I verified 6.0.11 and it does not store real files, just some file with same name, but simply set content to info such as:
youngkyu-kim ·
Oh!! I`m absolutely understand.
Name of all files is same in both side, but files in server are just dummy file.
I confused because all files name are exactly same.

thank you.
robinshen ADMIN ·
That is absolutely right, <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->