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Update Array Field in Jira #3642

jmash ·

I am updating a Jira ticket with some additional information and one of the fields I need to update expects an array (exception message below), but I don't see any documentation anywhere detailing how to do this:

RestClientException{statusCode=Optional.of(400), errorCollections=[ErrorCollection{status=400, errors={customfield_11712=data was not an array}, errorMessages=[]}]}

Is there anything special I need to do to be able to update an array field?

-J. Mash
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steveluo ADMIN ·
I don't see any array field in JIRA. What kind of custom field you are using?
jmash ·
I believe I've run into this on a couple different fields, but I don't recall which fields they were now. This specific case is a Jira Watcher field, and I'd say at least one or two of the other fields I was trying to update were user lists as well.
steveluo ADMIN ·
QuickBuild only supports several kinds of field types, including: number, string, date, datetime, user and single option with text item.
The array type may contain object value, for example, user, it is hard to input in the input box, and different object can be with different structure.
We can add array support, but only with some limited object types (number, string, user, for example). If you need, please file a ticket in our issue tracker:
jmash ·
That would be great.

Support for those three types (number, string, and especially user) covers most of the array fields defined in our Jira projects. The only other object type I see in an array that might be useful is version (for things like the fixVersions field, which may already be supported), but I don't have an explicit use-case for that currently. The remaining object types listed in arrays aren't things that I'd want to automate anyway, so this would be sufficient.

I'll get that ticket submitted shortly, thank you,
-J. Mash