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Release notes #3663

jossy ·

I saw a couple of times that there are no release notes for some QB versions. It would be nice to have such in text form somewhere and not just the list of Jira issues resolved with a certain version.

E.g. for 6.1.32 and 6.1.33 there are no changes, but I know e.g. the artifact cleanup task was changed in 6.1.33 (by looking at the source code). As we have problems with the artifact cleanup in version 6.1.30, is this resolved there? What was the problem?

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robinshen ADMIN ·
We are sorry for the inconvenience. This version is an urgent fix to be verified by an affected customer, and is not normal. For future versions, we will make it clear to associate necessary meaningful jira issues as release notes.
jossy ·
Hi Robin,

thanks for getting that clean in future releases. Still I do not know what the problem was with the artifact cleanup. Is it working at all with versions before 6.1.33? We also experienced some issues with this. Only the build cleanup seems to clean the artifacts, but the artifact cleanup itself does not work. Is this working again in 6.1.33? If so we'll have to schedule another maintenance window to update QB.

And another question: Is there any way to know if the db model version has changed before doing the update? Because then it is easier to decide how long and when we have to schedule the maintenance. QB update without model change takes about 15 minutes. QB update with model change takes a couple of hours in the worst case.

robinshen ADMIN ·
Before 6.1.33, the artifact cleanup should work but may clean up other unrelated artifacts besides artifacts you want to remove, and can also consume a lot of resources to cause system slow. So please upgrade to 6.1.33 definitely. As to check if db model has been changed, please find file "" in QB source code, and compare it with prev version, if there are some new migration methods, QB will perform a db export/import to do the database upgrade.
jossy ·
Ok thanks for the Info.

The hint with the MainMigrator helps a lot.