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Migration to new servers.... #863

bhuddleston ·
We have a set of 3 servers (1 linux, 1 windows, 1 mac) and we need to upgrade to newer hardware. The I cannot just move the hard drives over because the newer machines have updated OS's and better RAID on the newer hard drives. We are running Quickbuild 1.2.8.

Is there any documentation for migrating the existing install of Quickbuild over to the newer machines?
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robinshen ADMIN ·
You can do this by copying all files under QuickBuild installation directory to the new server:
1. all files under Quickbuild installation directory
2. if global working directory and publish directory is specified, you will copy those directories to new server as well
3. if the publish and working directory is specified at configuration level, you will need to copy those directories as well.
bhuddleston ·
Thanks robinshine,

I'll give that a try. I appreciate the info <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
bhuddleston ·
Actually, I had two questions:

1) Do I (A) Install Quickbuild fresh and then overwrite it with the copy from the old server, or (B) Do I just copy over Quickbuild from the old server onto the new server without any official install?

2) Do I need to run the backup (to XML) that is in Quickbuild Admin screen and then import that into the new server?
robinshen ADMIN ·
You may just copy over files without a fresh install. Database export/import is also not necessary if you do not need to use a different database.
bhuddleston ·
Thanks again,

I apologize, I thought of one last question (really). Is there anything I should be careful of in regards to the two machines being on the network at the same time. We built the replacements with different ip's and dns names (we appended a "2" to the end of the hostname to denote the newer server)
robinshen ADMIN ·
No problem at all. If you are running two servers side by side, please make sure that they are use separate databases instead of sharing the same database.
Digitalmind ·
Thanks robinshine me too was coming across with the same situation having multiple servers and were looking forward to transfer the existing data on to the new servers.

Strategic online marketing agency
Productivity ·
[quote="robinshine"]You can do this by copying all files under QuickBuild installation directory to the new server:
1. all files under Quickbuild installation directory
2. if global working directory and publish directory is specified, you will copy those directories to new server as well
3. if the publish and working directory is specified at configuration level, you will need to copy those directories as well.[/quote]

Is this information still up-to-date? Will this work with QB 5.x?

Also, I am currently using a MySQL database for QuickBuild and plan to use another database on our new server QB server. How can I transfer the data stored in the old MySQL database to the new one? Is it by using the "Database backup" feature in the administration tab and restoring it on the new server as described here:

I just want to make sure that I don't lose data (configurations, builds, logs, etc.) during the transfer.

robinshen ADMIN ·
Yes the same still applies to QB5. To switch to another database, just do the backup/restore as you already discovered.