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Maven Tycho and Quickbuild #3741

benprim ·

I'm trying to automate our plugin generation for QB.
I've looked at maven tycho but I'm having issues with the Require-Bundle from the Manifest... I'm no Maven expert.
As someone manged to do this ? have someone successfully automated plugin creation outside of Eclipse ?

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robinshen ADMIN ·

QB simply calls Maven command line to do the job. Make sure you can run the command successfully on command prompt.

benprim ·
robinshen ADMIN ·
nini10 ·

Is there a way to see what is the plan or a road-map for QB10?

robinshen ADMIN ·

Below is a list of currently planned improvements for QB10:

QB-3453: SAML SSO support
QB-3454: Slack notification to support json and image
QB-3426: Only build if there are new patch sets in Gerrit repository
QB-2358: Support for Gerrit stream event triggering
QB-3296: To support json rest api
QB-3398: Link directly to trigger configuration
QB-3413: Prevent Queue from being cleared of user scheduled builds if system or operating system crashes
QB-3415: Parallel Composition Step Cancelling Rework
QB-3431: Investigate to upgrade log4j and slf4j
QB-3436: Sent notification upon build not running due to snapshot taking or build condition evaluation error
QB-3444: In build overview panel, can the "error message step" column wrap line
QB-3443: HTML Fields using script code, gets converted to html
QB-3450: Implement Post-Queue Script
QB-3452: Support headless build of QB plugins

robinshen ADMIN ·