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Github plugin integration #3748

pmaruszx ·


I've got "GitHub Integration" in plugin management section. By the way it's unconfigurable - just "Disable" option. (v. 10.0.28)
I'd like using this plugin for communication between GitHub and QB. To be precise, I mean functionality that could verify if PR author is on member list. If not, QB plugin should asks github admin about further actions like: run the build, add user to member list, etc. Is there any related documentation?

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steveluo2 ADMIN ·


It seems that what you need is hard to just write some scripts, instead, you may consider write your own plugin to do this.

I'm a bit curious where do you want to add this, in a step or something else?

To communicate with GitHub, QuickBuild uses egit. You can also use this library to do what you want, or you can just use GitHub RESTful API directly.

pmaruszx ·

Okay, so the only solution is creating own plugin or using GitHub API - directly or via egit library. Then, our actual plugin does not contain functionality like it.

steveluo2 ADMIN ·

Yes, you are absolutely right. There isn't any functionality like that.