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ConfigurationTab issue #3749

benprim ·

Dear all,
I'm trying to create a ConfigurationTabContribution puglin, but I'm hitting an issue with java Generics that I don't know how to solve.
So in my :
public List getTabs() {


I'm trying to add a new ConfigurationTab and ConfigurationTab constructors is expecting : String title, Class<? extends ConfigurationPage>[] pageClasses

I created a class ViewPage which extends ConfigurationPage but however I try to pass it to the ConfigurationTab constructor I have compiler error.
Would you have a sample on how to do that ?

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robinshen ADMIN ·

Below code should work:

List<ConfigurationTab> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
tabs.add(new ConfigurationTab("title", ViewPage.class));
return tabs;
benprim ·

Thanks Robin, sorry I don't know I was focusing on the object instead of the class...