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Generating steps #3750

Gwanhir ·


I'm creating a plugin that will allow us to generate steps dynamically but I have several issues.

I extends the SequentialStep and override the findChildren() function to generate the steps I want. But I have several issues with that :

  1. When I create a step using it's default constructor, I had errors with the path being null. So I added the path to the step.
  2. Then I had an error with the step not being associated with any build. So I added the build to the step and the step to the build.
  3. And now I have error where my step is not found in current build. I looked into the source code and it seams that the configuration needs to be aware of the step.

So before continuing with that, do you know if it's even doable ? If the issue is that a running build can't be changed, will I be able to create an entire configuration with all the steps in it and trigger it ? Or even launch a promotion for the current build to the newly created configuration.


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  • views 2956
  • stars 1
robinshen ADMIN ·

Generating steps dynamically is not supported. How about adding child step and use repeat parameters to run it multiple times each time with different set of param?