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Using published artifacts in build agent #1408

barryh42uk ·
I wish to access my published artifacts in a build agent (on a different host to my build server). These consist of installation executables which I wish to execute from my build agents. Is there a way of accessing these other than create a windows share? I know I can publish them as a URL, but I don't think there is a way of executing these ( from a windows batch for example).

Alternatively, is there a way of the build server publishing out artifacts to the build agents, so that the artifacts are then held locally on the build agent hosts?
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robinshen ADMIN ·
Artifacts can only be published on server. The standard approach of accessing published artifacts from other builds in QuickBuild is via dependency. That is: you define a QuickBuild repository pointing to desired artifacts, and then create a checkout step running on desired agent checking out those artifacts. For details, please refer to: ... Dependency
ikotlova ·

What is the best way to use already saved artifacts in the same build which has not completed yet?

For example, the build splits into 4 agents, each agent building 1 platform & 1 config (iPhoneOS/Release, iPhoneSimulator/Release, iPhoneOS/Debug, iPhoneSimulator/Debug). After all agents are done and all agents testing succeeds, iPhoneOS/Release needs to be uploaded to the OTA server. At this moment the build is already off the 4 agents and there is no access to iPhoneOS/Release agent workspace with built binaries. The artifacts are already saved. But I cannot use QuickBuild repository as a dependency because the build did not finish yet.

robinshen ADMIN ·
I'd suggest to transfer artifacts to workspace of the parent step of these agent steps via "output files" option of various agent steps. This way, you may transfer these artifacts to any subsequent steps under the same parent via the "input files" option.
ikotlova ·
That worked - thank you, Robin!

Just a note for the interested: in order to get to the common parent, you might need to specify "output files" option for several steps up; and specify "input files" option for several steps down depending on how deep the original agent step producing artifacts, and the uploading step sits relatively to this common parent (or master).