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Improve Performance #1486

jesh ·

Currently we are using two versions of QuickBuild, Old QuicBuild 1.2.12 and New QuickBuild 3.0.9
There are more than 40 projects setup in old QB (1.2.12) and this is starting to slowdown the QB server and the process time in general. Newer projects are being created in the New QB but off late there are projects which need to be created in the Old QB.
My question,
how do I improve the efficiency/performance of the old QB
Is there a way I can selectively move projects from the Old QB to New QB
What do you think/suggest the best practice/approach would be for this scenario

Thanks alot for your help

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robinshen ADMIN ·
Hi Jesh,

QB only supports to upgrade the whole 1.x database to QB 3.x with below procedure: ... kBuild+1.x

There is no approach to migrate single projects from 1.x to 3.x other than creating them from scratch in 3.x.

jesh ·
Thanks Robin