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Failed to cancel a build in QB 4.0.16 #1819

brutan ·
Hi, we use QB version 4.0.16 and faced following issue:
Configuration timeout is set to 3 hours.
Configuration uses few build agents to do 3 builds in parallel. Two of the builds were successful, but third hanged-up. Probably it was some network issue with the build agent which compiles the third build, but I am not sure about this.
So, after 16 hours the build was still running. I tried to stop it, but QB seems to fail to do it (I waited few minutes after pressing the stop button). I was able to check running steps/user attributes/etc. for the build agent in QB grid.
Then I restarted QB agent on the build agent and QB stopped the build successfully.

Is it possible that such issue is fixed in later QB version?
Is it worth to fill-in bug for the issue?

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robinshen ADMIN ·
In QB4, build can only be cancelled when all its steps have been terminated to avoid resource leak issue in QB3 and to collect full build log. However if some steps are unwilling to stop, the build will not stop. You may check which steps are still running when the build is being cancelled to see why the step can not be stopped (QB sends SIG_TERM to spawned process of the step and sometimes the process may not respond to the signal, in this case, one has to kill the process manually)
mmuszyns ·
Could you add an option to force this operation? For example, additional button that will send SIG_KILL to process instead of SIG_TERM.
robinshen ADMIN ·
As far as I know, the JVM can only send SIG_TERM to external processes. We plan to adopt a OS native approach to kill processes reliably in future versions.
chsyoum ·
Dear robinshen,

I am an administrator of QuickBuild in my company. Now I use of QuickBuild.
I need to find how to cancel a build forcely by normal user via QuickBuild web UI. Could you update this issue for QuickBuild users?

Thank in advance for your kind answer.
robinshen ADMIN ·
Make sure the users has permission to STOP_BUILD in its group, then they can stop build.