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Can QB support VC++ building ? #2197

ljh ·
In my corporation , some projects need the VC++ platform . Can QB support it ?
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steveluo ADMIN ·
Generally speaking, QuickBuild supports automating any system which you can invoke from command.

For VC++ platform, QuickBuild supports MSBuild and Devenv build, both of them can build VC++ of cause. Please refer to below pages for details: ... ry+Command
ljh ·
I configured the "devenv build "(devenvPath=D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\MSDEV.COM), but it didn't show the detail of compiling .
And it was building all the time like below :
09:50:26,393 INFO - Running step...
09:50:26,395 DEBUG - Executing command: "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\MSDEV.COM" TowerClient.sln /Build Release
09:50:26,395 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\buildagent\workspace\root\test\TowerClient
steveluo ADMIN ·

Seems you are using, not QuickBuild devenv build supports VS2003 or higher. So please use command line step instead.
ljh ·
But i want to use the platform of VC++6.0 to build the projects actually . When i build vc++ projects some problem will be caused , because the projects were created on VC++6.0 platform . Now i expect to build them through VC++6.0 , but i don't know if QB can do ?
steveluo ADMIN ·
Please use command line step in your build workflow. If you can build with msdev in the command line, it can work fine by using command line step.
ljh ·
Could you tell me the command line for msdev ?
steveluo ADMIN ·
Please refer to below page ... 74(v=vs.60).aspx
ljh ·
I wrote a bat file named VC6.BAT, and it ran correctly when i clicked it directly , but it met errors when QB called it .
The content of VC6.BAT :
"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\MSDEV.COM" Server.dsw /useenv /make /rebuild

The error occured on QB :
08:57:36,930 DEBUG - Executing command: VC6.BAT
08:57:36,930 DEBUG - Command working directory: D:\buildagent\workspace\root\test\VCBuild\Server
08:57:36,951 INFO -
08:57:36,951 INFO - D:\buildagent\workspace\root\test\VCBuild\Server>"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\MSDEV.COM" Server.dsw /useenv /make /rebuild
08:57:37,130 INFO - Building default target: Server - Win32 BoundChecker
08:57:37,130 INFO - Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'Server - Win32 BoundChecker'.
08:57:37,187 INFO - --------------------Configuration: Server - Win32 BoundChecker--------------------
08:57:37,230 INFO - Compiling resources...
08:57:37,261 INFO - D:\buildagent\workspace\root\test\VCBuild\Server\Server.rc(10) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.
08:57:38,193 INFO - Error executing rc.exe.
08:57:38,205 INFO -
08:57:38,205 INFO - Server.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
08:57:38,239 INFO - Executing post-execute action...

At first i thought the VC6 missed some include files , but when i checked it i found the vc6 was well . The VC6.BAT ran correctly when it was clicked directly . So i think somes problem maybe are happened in QB . Could you help me solve it ?
steveluo ADMIN ·
The most possible cause for this issue is your QuickBuild environment is different from the environment you were running command VC6.BAT. Please try running QuickBuild with the console mode to see if it can run the command successfully. To run QuickBuild with the console mode:
1. Log in with the same user you run VC6.BAT
2. Stop the QuickBuild instance
3. Go to QuickBuild installation directory and run command: bin\server.bat console
4. Run your configuration to see if the issue persists

If you can build the project successfully, you can modify your QuickBuild service to run under this user from Windows -> Control Panel -> Services.
ljh ·
I can build the project successfully when i run the QB with console mode . I want to set the QB run with console mode when my computer start up . How to set it like that ?
steveluo ADMIN ·
See below page: ... em+Service

You can go to windows control panel -> services -> QuickBuild to manage the log on user and make sure it is what you want.