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Set specified text as a warning #2409

dlmorri ·

Is there any way to setup a filter of the step log to scan for specified text and have it flag as a warning instead of an error in the Detect Errors section in QuickBuild ? There are some messages we would like to have flagged but not have it error out the build.

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  • views 2289
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robinshen ADMIN ·
Not possible yet except that you write your own command execution plugin to log these messages as warnings. Also you may submit an improvement request for this at
helybblake ·
[quote="robinshine"]Not possible yet except that you write your own command execution plugin to log these messages as warnings. Also you may submit an improvement request for this at[/quote]

How can I do the plugin?

steven barbarich
robinshen ADMIN ·
Refer here for detailed info on writing custom plugins: