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Upgrade a plugin in runtime #2722

jossy ·
Hi guys!

If we have developed our own plugin, is it possible to upgrade/change it during runtime (e.g. by disable -> enable it)? Or is it necessary to restart the server every time the plugin is modified?

It also would be nice to have a configuration in Quickbuild which builds the plugin with gradle and then deploys it automatically to the server.

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robinshen ADMIN ·
Every time a plugin is modified/redeployed, QB server has to be restarted. QB plugin can be built in headless mode as explained in step 13 of below tutorial: ... rst+Plugin
And I guess you can convert the build.xml to equivalent of Gradle if necessary.
jossy ·

I managed to get the gradle build working.

Other questions:
Is it possible to use Java7 for plugin development when we're running the server on Java7? Because we have a huge project which we want to have a plugin for. So it relies on other eclipse projects which are only compatible to Java7.[/*:m][/list:u]

robinshen ADMIN ·
Plugin will also get deployed to all agents automatically after it has been deployed to server. Using JDK7 certainly works.