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Build version is not displayed in the deployed environment #2800

shankar_k ·
Hi Team,

The build number that is deployed to the servers are not displayed after deployment.

It is just displaying (${label}). Please suggest where this should be updated so that the build number is displayed after deployment
  • replies 7
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robinshen ADMIN ·
How do you specify next build version of the depoy configuration?
shankar_k ·
${vars.get("promoteVersion")} is the format used in Next build version
robinshen ADMIN ·
Please refer to below tutorial on how to use same version across promotion: ... ote+Builds
shankar_k ·
Hi Robin,

Thanks for your reply . The variable mentioned in the above link is defined and i can see the same version in deploy configuration also. But the problem here is the build# is not displayed in status bar of the successfully deployed application
robinshen ADMIN ·
What do you mean status bar of deployed application?
shankar_k ·
We are trying to display the build# at the status bar of the deployed application. But instead of displaying build# ,(${label})is displayed
robinshen ADMIN ·
This is very application specific, and QB provides the mechanism of passing build version as parameter to your build script and your build script needs to utilize that parameter to do the right thing. For instance, if you are calling external command to build your application, you may pass the build version like example below:
buildcmd some options -buildVersion ${build.version}