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Link directly to play button #3733

stephasaurus ·

Hi - I'd like to have QB send out an email. In this email, I want to make a link that once you click the link, it will take you to the build trigger screen just like if you'd clicked the button on the configuration, and pre-populate some variables in it, so all the user has to do is check a box, and click "OK" to start the build.

Is it possible to link directly to the play button? And if so, is it possible to pre-populate the variables? If so, how can I construct the link? Thanks!

  • replies 5
  • views 3482
  • stars 0
steveluo added the variable label
robinshen ADMIN ·
ralph.arthur ·

Why not? And when will it be available? :) It would really match to my page. :)

Laba42 ·

Is there an existing issue this topic?
I would also find such a handling, as the thread starter described it, very helpful.


robinshen ADMIN ·