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Chceck if any previous step failed #3981

krumanox ·

Is there any way to use groovy to easily get to a variable something like "if any previous step failed" and bool as an answer?

I know I can getParent till I get to master and check if any child is failed, but that's not a pretty way to do this in my opinion.

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robinshen ADMIN ·

Below script will do the job:

step.getParent()!=null && step.getParent().isAnyChildFailedExcept(step)
krumanox ·

No signature of method: com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.basis.CommandBuildStep$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$2108c300.isAnyChildFailedExcept() is applicable for argument types: (com.pmease.quickbuild.plugin.basis.CommandBuildStep$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$2108c300)

robinshen ADMIN ·

It works at my side. What is your QB version?

krumanox ·

6.1.19, 2016-07-07

robinshen ADMIN ·

This method is added in QB7. For QB6 please use:

step.getParent()!=null && step.getParent().isAnyChildFailed()