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shared variable between parallel steps #4307

OnQuickBuild ·

Hello Quickbuild support
Hope you are well.

What happens if parallel steps try to update the same variable and immediately use it?

The situation is, in the parallel steps, multiple command lines will be executed via the same shell/batch step. And in order to give this step a different command line in parallel, I try to use repeat parameters. But the problem is a command line usually has "=" such as "make arg=value". But repeat parameters forbid these characters >?&=#
So what I do is, I use a variable, and in "pre-execute action" of the shell/batch step, I update the variable to be a different command line. But since the shell/batch step will run in parallel, I suspect the shell/batch step might not be running what I think it's supposed to execute.

The number of different command lines is arbitrary and could be many. So I don't think I can use multiple variables (at least not through Quickbuild GUI)

Could you give me some tips for this kind of situations?

Thank you very much!

  • solved #2
  • replies 1
  • views 2461
  • stars 0
robinshen ADMIN ·

To solve this issue, you may use special characters to represent "=", for instance, specify param value as "a-b, a-c", and then in command area replace "-" with "=", for instance:

echo ${params.get("param").replace("-", "=")}