QB version: 10.0.32
Database: Mysql (MariaDb)
A few days ago we moved from QB8 to QB10.
Since the upgrade, we've seen that the binary logs on our mysql server can be very huge (almost 1GB each time).
After a deeper investigation, we found this kind of request happens each time a rest call is done:
/* update com.pmease.quickbuild.model.User */ update QB_USER set QB_AUTHENTICATOR=NULL, QB_EMAIL='xxx.yyy@zzz.com', QB_FAVORITE_DASHBOARD_IDS=_binary '¬í\sr\java.util.ArrayListxÒÇa\I\sizexp\\\\w\\\\x', QB_FULL_NAME='rest_acc_full', QB_LAST_LOGIN='2021-02-22 14:14:32.235', QB_NAME='rest_acc_full', QB_PASSWORD='XXXXX', QB_PLUGIN_SETTINGDOMS=_binary '¬í\sr\java.util.HashMapÚÁÃ`Ñ\F\
Is it something new? I understand QB needs to update the "last login" date when a user connects but is it really important to do it when a rest call is done?
Is it something we can disable on our side?
Thank you
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