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what‘s the order of variable with the same name used in promotion #4610

Epi-apiao ·


I have two configuration whose name is A and B. Configuration A can promote B and pass a varible named VAR to B.
But A and B both have variable named Var. That means i have three variable named VAR, and i want to mark their value as A_VAR, B_VAR and P_VAR.

A promote B passed P_VAR, but B recieved A_VAR. It's not what I expected.
Is it a bug or a design?
And is there any other way to do this?

Furthermore, how could i get the A'path and pass this path to B?

  • solved #4
  • replies 6
  • views 184
  • stars 0
robinshen ADMIN ·

If same variable names are used, variable defined in promotion will take preference over B. A's variable will never be used in case of promotion.

Epi-apiao ·

But B failed when tried to use checkout step based on the passed variable. I found A_VAR was used in B's checkout step.

zoywiki ·

did you check the box "Do Not Pass Revision", otherwise all repositories that are shared between A and B will be the same revision on a checkout step.

robinshen ADMIN ·

You may reproduce the issue with a sample QB instance, and then send the database backup to [robin AT pmease DOT com].

Epi-apiao ·

Thank U!!!!

Epi-apiao ·

Thanks! :blush: I've found that's because i didn't notice the parameters of the promotion step. When I check the box "Do Not Pass Revision", the previously described problem didn't recur.:relaxed: