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Recommendation how to use the pre-queue script #4615

absalom1 ·

I have two configurations, one triggers the other one, and I would like to limit the build request count by checking the running build count at the pre-queue script on the second configuration.
Throwing the QuickBuild exception at the pre-queue script of the second configuration works well
when the first configuration with the "Trigger Other Builds" step runs a build on the server.
The step fails and displays the proper message inserted into the QuickBuild exception.

However, if I run the same build on a buildagent to trigger the second configuration,
the step fails properly but the whole pre-queue script is displayed with a "Failed to evaluate script:" message.

Could you recommend how to hide the whole script or how to use the pre-queue script?

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  • views 24
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robinshen ADMIN ·

This is expected behavior when trigger from agent. In this case, server collects as detail information as it can and send to remote agent to help identify where the problem could be.

absalom1 ·

Yes, collecting information for debugging is important.
By the way, I thought the "Step Log Level" feature was added for that purpose.

Could you guide me on how I can change it to display only the exception message not including the script?
Or could you suggest to me how I can use the pre-queue script to check the build request and make the requester know the build will not be executed for some reason?

robinshen ADMIN ·